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A few of my designs, to be added to as time allows.
Please contact me if you would like GemCad or Gem Cut Studio files for any of them.
One of the joys of faceting is the ability to create entirely novel gemstone designs. Below you can find some of mine. Others are also presented on the First Cuts and Art pages here. As stated on the Home page, for friends, family and clients many of the gems I cut are to unique designs. All  are optimized for best light performance and colour using the latest digital technology, namely GemRay and Cem Cut Studio. If you would like a bespoke design to celebrate and remember a significant occasion please contact me by email or phone.
Personally I like to see brightness and dispersion in the gems I cut and for day-to-day wear jewellery so do most of the ladies I cut for. Many of the designs below have been optimised for the optical properties of highly affordable synthetic materials such as Cubic Zirconia, Spinel and Corundum, all of which produce bright gems and which are available in a wide range of colours. Most designs can however be adapted to produce attractive gems in materials with lower refractive indices and which do not display dispersion. Many natural minerals cut as gemstones fall into this category and images of some can be seen together with the designs applicable to their properties.
Steve Sweetman custom bespoke gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines UK
Steve Sweetman, custom gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines, facet diagams
Steve Sweetman custom gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines

Two of my recent designs.

Big Star is a tricky one to cut but lovely in this mid green CZ. A special request from the Secretary of State for War! Eight Steps provides a counterpoint for the pendant incorporating Big Star. It was designed to give big flashes of dispersion. It is better in reality than the computer simulation. The (far from expert!) photo below shows the final result.

Steve Sweetman custom gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines
Steve Sweetman custom gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines, custom jewellery
Steve Sweetman custom bespoke gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines UK, facet diagrams
Steve Sweetman custom bespoke gem designs, facetgemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines UK, facet diagrams

My very first designs.

Mixed symmetry and they work!

Steve Sweetman custom bespoke gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines UK, facet diagrams
Steve Sweetman custom bespoke gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines UK
Steve Sweetman custom bespoke gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines UK, facet diagrams
Steve Sweetman custom bespoke gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines UK
Steve Sweetman custom bespoke gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines UK, facet diagrams
Steve Sweetman custom bespoke gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines UK

Two versions of this cusheon design. Simple pavilion left, complex pavilion right showing differences in face up appearance. An animated rendition of Sally's design appears below. It's a great performer.

Please note that in Sally's design pavilion facet 2 meets with 1 - 3 - 4  have to be polished in for perfection.

Steve Sweetman,Ultra Tec faceted gemstones
Steve Sweetman custom bespoke gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines UK, facet diagras
Steve Sweetman custom bespoke gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec facSteve Sweetman, custom gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines, facet diagramseting machines UK

Birthday gifts for two friends sharing Tapaz as their birthstone. Dark areas (head shadow) disappear when the stones are slightly tilted. See the News page for an image of Gilly's pendant.

Steve Sweetman custom bespoke gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines UK, facet diagrams
Steve Sweetman, custom gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines, facet diagrams

Another birthday gift.

Steve Sweetman custom bespoke gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines UK, facet diagrams
Steve Sweetman, custom gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines, facet diagrams
Steve Sweetman custom bespoke gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines UK, facet diarams
Steve Sweetman, custom gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines, facet diagrams
Steve Sweetman custom bespoke gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines UK, facet diagras
Steve Sweetman, custom gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines, facet diagrams
Steve Sweetman custom bespoke gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines UK, facet diagrams
Steve Sweetman, custom gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines, facet diagrams
Steve Sweetman custom bespoke gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines UK

Two versions of the same design. On the left angles for higher RI materials, in this case corundum. On the right the same for quartz. Both have been 'manually optimised' in Cem Cut Studio. Somewhat surprising to me, the program retained my original pavilion angles but altered the crown angles. Both versions produce bright gems but over wider angles of tilt for higher RI materials.

Steve Sweetman custom bespoke gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines UK
Steve Sweetman, custom gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines, facet diagrams
Steve Sweetman, custom gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines, facet diagrams

Two pavilions one crown

Steve Sweetman, custom gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines, facet diagrams
Steve Sweetman,Ultra Tec faceted gemstones
Steve Sweetman, custom gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines, facet diagrams
Steve Sweetman,Ultra Tec faceted gemstones

Above, two crowns one pavilion

Steve Sweetman, custom gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines, facet diagrams
Steve Sweetman,Ultra Tec faceted gemstones
Steve Sweetman, custom gem designs, gemstone cutting, Ultra Tec faceting machines, facet diagrams

Another bright design for higher RI materials. The preform makes achieving the outline simple and straightforward.     +447860 499851

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